EasyOne Pro® LAB

Portable DLCO, MBW, Lung Volumes, LCI and Spirometry

EasyOne Pro® LAB

EasyOne Pro LAB provides the most efficient and accurate way for complete lung function testing. With EasyOne Pro LAB you can accurately measure the Lung Clearance Index (LCI) using Multiple Breath Nitrogen Washout (MBW) in various settings. Engineered using our patented TrueFlow™ and TrueCheck™ technology, the EasyOne

Pro LAB eliminates all common sources of error and saves time. No need for a Body Box.

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  • Patient and User Centered Design

    The EasyOne Pro LAB is both patient-friendly and easy to maintain. For MBW you only need an oxygen supply, no expensive SF6 gas required. Medical professionals can perform annual maintenance themselves in only 10 minutes.

  • Calibration-free TrueFlow™ Technology

    Extremely robust and accurate flow results are delivered without calibration thanks to our TrueFlow™ technology integrated into the EasyOne Pro LAB.

  • Self-Quality Control through TrueCheck™ Technology

    With EasyOne Pro LAB you can fully focus on the patient. TrueCheck™ ensures that each gas measurement is accurate without calibration and warm-up time.

  • Compact & Lightweight Design

    Weighing only 18 lbs. (9kg), the EasyOne Pro LAB is compact & durable – without compromising quality. It easily fits in any office setting.

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